Elective Coursework

Dear Students,

Welcome to your Emergency medicine clerkship, we are excited to share our very unique speciality with you over the next 2 to 4 weeks depending on your elective. The focus of our electives is to provide comprehensive, interactive training to prepare clinical leaders in emergency medicine. Senior medical students receive exposure to the diverse array of clinical problems encountered in the emergency department, and train in the arts of assessment and treatment. Students learn how to think critically in various busy urban emergency department settings. You will work closely with emergency medicine residents/attendings/PA’s to diagnose and manage critically and noncritically ill patients using evidence-based medicine.As a student rotating and or shadowing through the ER you will be exposed to various ER areas which include critical care and trauma, adult and pediatric, you may encounter some procedural and toxicology cases. If you are in the PEM elective, you will rotate through two of New York’s busiest pediatric emergency rooms.

As a rotator, you will be required to attend weekly conferences or didactic sessions, you will also receive an attendance grid (all shifts must be signed off by an attending/resident that you worked with while on shift. All students will be required to submit one evaluation form for each shift). This will be done via email and explained during orientation.

All the aforementioned documents are available via the student website: em-students.clinicalmonster.com. If you misplace any of your documents, they are currently available on the website in your course toolbox. The website will answer various EM related questions and has a copy of the course handbook and the EM clerkship handbook. Please keep in mind that you are responsible for all course documents and their completion. Incomplete documents will require you to return to ED to obtain the appropriate signatures.

I look forward to meeting you and again welcome to the emergency medicine department at SUNY Downstate/Kings County Hospital.


Tiesha Saunders

EM Education Coordinator

MS3 Core Year Elective – Intro to Emergency Medicine (EM4044)

Emergency Medicine Pediatric Elective (EM4037)

MS1 & MS2 Intro to the Emergency Medicine Dept Elective (N115)